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You're viewing Tamagotchi Party On! Cheat Codes

Game Name : Tamagotchi Party On!
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-10-18 21:57:31
Views : 44892

To unlock the grayed-out characters, complete a game of Tamagotchi Party On!. For example, if you choose a 3-election game, you will not get a character for each election you complete, however you will for completing the entire 3-election game itself. If you want to unlock characters faster, just keep playing 1-election games.

Extra Characters
To unlock the final 3 hidden characters, select the 'Challenge' option on the main menu.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
MatsuritchiGet gold medals on all 'Mini-Games' and 'Gotchi Games'.
PurimatchiGet gold medals on all 'Mini-Games' and 'Gotchi Games'.
ShitiketchiGet gold medals on all 'Mini-Games' and 'Gotchi Games'.

Letting the computer roll
Do not press A to skip the CPU's roll. If you do, instead of relying on the die's bounces to choose the amount of spaces they move, it will be a random number and could result in giving the CPU more spaces to move than they would have had before.

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